Spring sports cancellation affects college commits

Seniors miss their last chance to compete, hone their skills

Senior Megan Coleman stands with her parents during the fall signing ceremony, which recognized seniors who had signed a commitment letter to their university.

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Senior Megan Coleman stands with her parents during the fall signing ceremony, which recognized seniors who had signed a commitment letter to their university.

For seniors who have signed letters of intent to participate in their sports in college next year, the cancellation of the spring sports season denies them one last chance to hone their skills before making the transition from high school to college.

Seniors Nick Hruskoci has committed to Wisconsin and Meg Coleman is headed to Notre Dame. They reflected on how the loss of the season has had an impact on them.

Hruskoci runs both cross-country and track, planning to take part in the 800, 1,600 and 3,200 this spring. On what he will miss most, Hruskoci said, “I will simply miss competing itself. I love running, and racing is my favorite part of that. To miss out on racing in my last season in high school hurts.”

However, since running is a sport that can still take place during quarantine, the track team continues to run and works out every day as if the season was still going on. On an average day, Hruskoci said he finishes school work in the morning and then will run after lunch. He also lifts three days a week using bodyweight and core exercises.

Regarding how the cancellation of men’s track this spring will impact his abilities, Hruskoci said, “There are positives and negatives to missing the season as in regards to my future in running. I do not have this season to become faster before college. But what I do have now is an extra few months to prepare for college running.

“I will be running more mileage each week leading up to college, and this extra time can allow me to have a much easier transition to the college scene.”

Last year Hruskoci had the opportunity to be a part of the distant medley relay team, which won a national championship. The coronavirus pandemic has eliminated the possibility of that title being repeated.

Athletes competing on tennis courts rather than tracks have also been affected.

Coleman lost her final season of tennis due to the cancellation. Coleman plays Number-1 singles and was the favorite to win the individual women’s State championship in June. However, that is not what she said she will miss.

She said, “I will miss being with the team throughout the week and just being able to have a good time. We always had so much fun during matches and practice and now we won’t get to experience any of those memories together ever again.”

The Irish netters were all disappointed when the news was announced. Team members have talked about trying to get together when the ban on social distancing ends to commemorate the past seasons and honor the seniors.

Coleman’s major focus currently has been working out after school because all of the indoor courts are currently closed. However, with the beautiful weather recently, she’s had the opportunity to hit outside.

Coleman said she does not believe the loss of her season will have a significant impact on her college career, but the lack of competition would have helped her confidence. Coleman’s coaches have helped by giving at-home workouts and activities on which she can focus. She said, “They have been extremely helpful and supportive throughout this whole process.”