Despite campus closure, reading program continues
Shutdown provides more time to read, librarian notes
The library website provides information during the campus shutdown.
April showers bring May flowers, along with the sixth celebration of Library Director Mrs. Jenny Herron’s 5 for 5 by 5 challenge, which will go on despite the campus being shut down.
Herron wrote in an email, “I thought of a challenge to encourage reading for pleasure among our student body. There’s a list of developmental assets that Cathedral tries to promote and encourage in her students, and reading for pleasure is one that perpetually scored lowest. So we kicked it off to promote pleasure reading.”
5 for 5 by 5 is a challenge for any student or staff member who signs up. They must read five books by May 5 to earn a catered lunch (Herron said it will probably be from Chick-fil-A) with fellow readers and door prizes.
Herron said she hopes to hold the luncheon on May 8 if classes are meeting on campus. In past years, participants had to go to the library to discuss their book with the librarian. Unfortunately, due to the closure of the school, face to face meetings are not advised. Herron wrote in an email, “However, I brought home all the contracts and am still promoting it via email, so students and staff can email me their titles with a synopsis or comments.”
Herron said, “This is an anxious time – one antidote to anxiety is to lose yourself in a great story. A good book can carry you off to a different place and time, and teach you things you never knew about. I highly recommend historical fiction especially for this idea.”
With the coronavirus outbreak and the closure of all Indiana schools, Herron said that many people now have more time to read, which will be an advantage for 5 for 5 by 5 readers. She encourages students who are involved to reach out to friends about signing up for this challenge.