School nurse answers coronavirus questions
Rest, hydrate, eat well and wash your hands
School nurse Mrs. Courtney Jennings-Sood works in her office earlier this school year.
School nurse Mrs. Courtney Jennings-Sood answered questions about the ongoing coronavirus situation. Her responses follow.
Why is this virus called a “novel” virus?
In this case, “novel” means new. This is not a virus that scientists and doctors have seen before.
Even though young people seem not to be adversely affected by the coronavirus, they still are being urged to stay home and not to socialize. Why?
Because anyone who is exposed can be a carrier and infect others. What I have heard is that symptoms may not appear until after 14 days. Think about how many people you would see and be around in a 14-day period.
Even if students are staying home, what should they be doing there to stay healthy?
Practice good hygiene. Wash hands frequently. Rest, eat healthy, drink lots of water. Be kind to their parents.
Is it acceptable for students to go outside to run or walk? Should they do so?
Definitely yes.
What would you recommend for students to help reduce their stress during what is a stressful time?
Stay positive. Students were always complaining of being tired, so now is a time to get rest. Do things that you complained you didn’t have time to do before. Think of others, help around the house, study harder, read a good book, write a thank you note.
What other advice would you give students as well at Cathedral educators regarding their health during this time?
Rest, hydrate, eat healthy. Minimize trips to the grocery, touch minimal surfaces, wash your hands.
How do you know if you are sick enough to seek medical help, and if you are, where should you go for help?
If you have a fever of 101 or higher, have a cough and shortness of breath call your doctor and they will walk you through the process of being seen.
Now that school is closed, Nurse Jennings-Sood, how are you filling your days?
I am reflective, humbled and full of respect for all that Cathedral educators and my children’s teachers have done to make this transition as easy as possible. I am cooking three meals a day, loving my children extra, reading books, Face Timing anyone who will answer, cleaning and napping. To all of the students, I miss you dearly.