Liturgy committee is ready for reconciliation

Members will be involved in all-day event on March 10

Lauryn Woods

Senior Will A’Hearn and other members of the liturgy committee will be involved with reconciliation on March 10.

On March 10, reconciliation will take place in the auditorium. Fr. Jeff Godecker, along with several other priests from the Lafayette and Indianapolis archdioceses, will administer the sacrament. The liturgy committee will offer a prayer service before, and committee members will be located in the auditorium to assist.

Every class will meet on March 10 for 45 minutes, which allows for theology teachers to escort their students to the auditorium. On that day, there will be no flex.

Director of campus ministry Mrs. Charlene Witka said, “Reconciliation is a great way to help enhance your Lenten promise and season.”