Director gears up for this summer’s Camp Cathedral

More than 50 sessions will be offered

Megaphone file photo

An elementary school student participates in a Camp Cathedral session in Cunningham Hall.

The Hill always seems to be busy 24/7, and the summer is no different. Camp Cathedral is a program run on campus over seven weeks of the summer with more than 70 camps for age ranges from kindergarten to ninth grade. The program started around  2006, with much less variety and quantity of camps. Director of Summer Programs Mr. Anthony Ernst said he has been running Camp Cathedral for seven years now. 

Camp Cathedral offers more than 50 enrichment camps along with the immensely popular sports camps. Ernst said the most well-attended camps tend to be the STEM sessions, as they allow campers to experience the academic side of the school community along with the fun side of camp. Ernst said, “Parents are pushing kids towards tech camps,” which may be another reason why these enrichment camps like robotics and Minecraft are so popular. 

Other camps that are usually full include the safe sitter camps, show choir and drama camps as well. 

Like everything on the Hill, the family feel and atmosphere of the school is evident in all they do. Ernst compared Camp Cathedral to Brother Andre Bassett in a way, saying that they open doors up to families just as he did.

The camp counselors are alumni and Ernst said there is no one better to show the campers the Cathedral way and culture. Ernst said with them leading they can “instill the family feel” and culture on campus. Other ways campers have the opportunity to take part in the school culture is when teachers lead programs, providing first hand contact with staff as well as when current students sometimes volunteer.

Ernst said in the enrichment camps, there are typically six or seven alums working as employees. He also said the just because you are an alum it “isn’t a guarantee” to work a camp because it’s a full application process just “like any other job.” Alums working camps are important because Ernst said they’re “introducing (campers) to the life of Cathedral and they build bridges out to the community.”

Camp Cathedral has a large variety of more than 50 enrichment camps and they seem to be expanding. Ernst said having a variety of camps is important because “the wider the range, the bigger net you cast,” meaning that the more variety in your offerings, the larger audience you’ll attract. The camps vary from what’s big in pop culture right now, such as Minecraft and Harry Potter camps, to student leadership and empowerment camps. 

This summer, there is a new minecraft camp being added called “Minecraft Explorers” targeted for the younger campers, grades first through fourth. 

Ernst said that the goal for this summer is no different than the goal for any other summer. He wants the campers to be “growing, laughing and learning” in their abilities while having fun. 

Ernst said he and his staff look forward to the “top notch programming” at this year’s Camp Cathedral. Additional information is posted on the school website at