Face Off: eLearning Days are not a good idea

Junior Jameson Browne

Junior Jameson Browne

Because of the extra work that eLearning Days present, I believe that two-hour delays are superior to them.

For most students, sleeping all day along with missing school is a great feeling. While I, too, enjoy the laziness of a snow day, two-hour delays are the better option. On eDays, students are given a ridiculous amount of work that has to be done by specific deadlines. Many students take an approach that eDays consist of absolutely no work and all sleep and messing around. While the sleeping aspect of that idea may be true, the workload that students are given results in a long day of homework and studying with very little enjoyment.

Two-hour delays, on the other hand, give students a decent amount of time to sleep in and make classes much shorter, which results in less work. And eDays can also result in very confusing work without the face to face help of teachers. Take math, for example. Students are generally asked to watch videos of people teaching them how to do math. For a vast amount of students, this method is much harder to learn with than the help of a teacher in a classroom where students are able to ask personalized questions about what they are struggling with.

I believe that two-hour delays are a better alternative because of a reduced workload paired with a chance to sleep in anyway. Students are always able to go home and take naps later, so why not just get the work out of the way with teachers there to help you instead of having more work and struggling with much of it?

Sitting in bed all day can result in less learning and messier work. While the popular opinion would be eLearning Days, two-hour delays are the more logical decision.