Retainer gone? Sweatshirt MIA? Go to lost and found
Student Services collects a variety of items
Items turned in to lost and found fill two lockers outside the Student Services Suite.
If students are walking through the admissions hallway and see lockers open, after they recover from seeing lockers actually being used, they may notice that they see something they lost. One part of the lost and found are the lockers that contain clothes and other non-valuables.
If students have misplaced electronics or headphones, however, they should check with Mrs. Angela McGruder in the Student Services Suite.
McGruder has seen some odd items cycle through lost and found, like face masks and a singular Ugg boot. And then there are the gross items, like retainers (with and without cases) and undergarments.
But one of the weirdest items, McGruder said, was a pitchfork. No one ever claimed it.
So if you’re missing something, even a pitchfork, see McGruder in her office on the first floor of Kelly Hall.

Andrew de las Alas is a senior and reporter for the Megaphone. He runs varsity cross-country, is co-captain of the speech and debate team and co-president...