Athletes hone their skills at speed school
Coaches encourage participation at early morning sessions
At speed school on Jan. 30, athletes improved their skills under the supervision of track Head Coach Mr. John O’Hara ’02.
Starting their day well before the sun rises, fall athletes on the Hill work every Tuesday and Thursday morning from 6 to 7 a.m. in the Welch Activity Center.
These athletes take part in speed school, “a way for out of season athletes to get faster and develop skills in their respective sport,” said freshman Samantha Hanson.
Hanson was a freshman on junior varsity volleyball last year and has participated in speed school since coming back from winter break.
Women’s varsity volleyball Head Coach Mrs. Mary Ording Hemer ’09 described speed school as mixture of “speed training, conditioning and biometrics.” Hemer also said that speed school helps with overall athleticism, reconnecting the teams and will allow athletes to get faster.
Sophomore Sir Jonathan Thompson said that during speed school they’ve worked on “cardio endurance, balancing and ladders.” During speed school participants complete different types of activities Tuesday and Thursday, with Thompson naming only a few.
Both Thompson and Hanson said they have benefited from speed school. Hanson said, “(Speed school has) been really good developing things that don’t come to me naturally.” Hanson said she’s learned new skills on how to properly do hurdles and how to run on the wall as well as improving her overall speed and agility as a whole.
Hemer said speed school is going well for the athletes attending but “would go a lot better if more players attended.”
Speed school has a goal of getting offseason athletes in shape both on and off their respective courts or fields. Thompson said he will use the endurance he gained from speed school when singing and dancing for show choir.. He said it would also allow him to stay in shape for the off season.
Hanson said she would use what she called “explosiveness and running techniques,” which would benefit her in both school and club volleyball at Munciana-Indy.
Hemer strongly recommends attending speed school, as a multitude of athletes from a wide range of sports are participating. She said, “Embrace it. Come give it your best.”
Thompson said to go in with a mindset to grow and take workouts seriously because you’ll use them.
Hanson said that going to speed school is a “good idea,” saying it helps you avoid injuries and develop athleticism.