Students win world school debate state title
Team finishes all-time best seventh place overall
Members of the State champion world school debate category are, from left, Nathan Fiedeldey. Andrew de las Alas, Henry Eifert, Ashelyn Lucas and Miyanah Perry.
Members of the school’s speech and debate team claimed the State championship in the world school debate category on Jan. 25. Team members are senior Henry Eifert, junior Andrew de las Alas, junior Nathan Fiedeldey, sophomore Ashelyn Lucas and freshman Miyanah Perry.
According to an email from speech and debate coach Mrs. Jeanne Malone, world school debate combines prepared topics with impromptu topics, encouraging debaters to focus on specific issues.
The individuals participating in Congressional debate had success as well, with sophomore Hagan McClelland, senior Veronica Newton, freshman Madeline Taylor and freshman Hank Salzmann competing. McClelland, Newton and Taylor advanced to the semifinals of the competition, which took place at Southport High School.
Congressional debate is an individual event in which a simulation of the U.S. legislative process is emulated. Students generate a series of bills and resolutions for debate and alternate delivering speeches for and against the topic in a group setting. Students are assessed on their research, argumentation and delivery skills, as well as their knowledge and use of parliamentary procedure.
In the team sweepstakes, Cathedral placed seventh overall of the 26 schools participating, a school best.

Jake Langdon is a member of the Class of 2021. He is a reporter and videographer. He plays running back for the varsity football team and runs hurdles...