Winter formal set for Dec. 14 in Mimms Gym

All aboard the Polar Express for annual dance

Caleb Land

Signs posted around the school advertise the Dec. 14 winter formal.

All aboard the Polar Express.

Saturday, Dec. 14, the annual winter formal will take place, an event that traditionally occurs the weekend before semester final exams.

This special dance has the theme of Polar Express, but still the attire is formal. From 7:30 p.m. to 10 p.m. there will be an endless amount of fun in the Mimms Gym, or as many still know it, the aux. There is a $5 fee to join the fun this weekend, so be sure to pay and get your golden ticket. Drinks and snacks will be provided. 

This dance is a girls-ask-guys event, so young women, don’t be afraid and ask that guy you’ve been crushing on if they would like to go to Winfo with you.

Seniors will wear their ugliest Christmas sweaters, also a tradition for this event.

Freshman boys up for ice prince are David Ayers, Samuel Bridges, Jaron Tibbs, Jake Davis and Jake Cerar. The freshmen girls who are finalists for ice princess are Dearbhla Delaney, Jane Bender, Hecyeni Medina-Paulino, Ava Jordan and Sydney Johnston.