Q & A with new track coach Mr. O’Hara

Goals including winning City, advancing in State tournament

Lauryn Woods

The women’s track and field team will be coached by Mr. John O’Hara ’02 in the spring.

Mr. John O’Hara ’02 recently has been new head coach for both the men’s and women’s track and field teams. Coach O’Hara answered a reporter’s questions about his new role. This is an edited version of his responses.

Q: What are you most excited about regarding this new coaching position?

A: I’ve been coaching many on the women’s team for about four years now. I’m just excited to continue to do that with our staff.

Q: What are both your immediate and long-range goals for the teams?

A: Immediate goals are continue to grow our numbers. We usually have over 100 athletes between the men’s and women’s team. I would love to see that grow more. We would like to keep winning City titles on both sides and advance as many athletes as we can in the tourney.

Q: What is your background as a high school and/or college athlete? How will you apply that experience to your coaching?

A: I played football and ran track at Cathedral High School. I think learning from my coaches in high school and my fellow coaches over the past 13 years has helped me immensely.

Q: Have any of the freshmen, sophomores or juniors on the team communicated with you about this coaching change? What has been their reaction?

A: I have had a few reach out to me with some basic questions, but the reaction has been positive.

Q: What is your role at Cathedral other than serving as a head coach? How will you balance your coaching and teaching duties?

A: I also teach IB and AP Psychology. Having a balance is very important to me. Luckily we have an amazing support system here at Cathedral.

Q: Have you received any guidance or input from the previous head coach of the women’s track team? If so, what? How will you apply that input to your coaching?

A: Coach Doc and I have always had a good rapport. I know I will rely on him this season and beyond.

Q: With a different coach comes changes. What will be one or two of those changes the athletes on your team will notice right away?

A: We will have some shuffling of roles amongst the staff. We are trying to put our athletes in the best position possible, and I think we have a bright future for all. There will be some changes to the uniform in order to have the men’s and women’s teams be more consistent.

Q: What is it like to know that you will coach a team on which you participated as a member of the Cathedral High School Class of 2002?

A: I had such a positive experience running track at Cathedral, and I am hoping to create the same environment for our athletes as well.