Canned food drive benefits local organizations

“We appreciate Cathedral’s help and generosity”

Gracie Carr

Theology teacher Mr. Ed Freije ’99 points out where students should leave their donations for this year’s canned food drive.

Another successful canned food drive wrapped up Nov. 7.

Administrator for Christian Service Mrs. Shannon Farrell Fox ’80 said that the purpose of the canned food drive is “to help those in our communities that have food insecurities, especially (during the) holiday season when (they are) wanting to celebrate with family.”

Fox listed the agencies and organizations receiving the food and distributing it to those in need: Little Sisters of the Poor, Mid North Food Pantry, Boulevard Place Food Pantry, St Louis de Montfort Food Pantry, Providence Christo Rey, Lord’s Pantry at Anna’s House, St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry, Holy Cross Catholic Food Pantry and Meal Programs. 

Students’ canned food donations benefit these agencies and those they are serving. Fox said, “This food is very much appreciated by all the agencies; it not only feeds those that come for assistance, but relieves the stress of the pantry workers wondering how they will feed all that are in need.”

One such food pantry worker was Ms. Betsey Morris of Mid-North Food Pantry. She wrote in an email, “Thank you (students) so much for loading my car today with good food for the Mid-North Food Pantry. We really appreciate Cathedral’s generosity to our pantry.”

Not only did the canned food drive help those in need, but students were driven additional incentives. Theology teacher Mr. Ed Freije ‘99 wrote in an email, “Students who participate may wear jeans/sweats and Cathedral spirit wear on the Monday and Tuesday before Thanksgiving and earn a point for their county in County Counts.” Freije also noted that through turning in cans, students were able to earn up to 3% added on their math first semester final exam.

Aside from participating in the canned food drive, there are other holiday service opportunities that students can pursue. Fox said, “(Students will) need to check with individual agencies (in order to find out how to volunteer). Not all but most agencies are volunteer-run and often are closed to be with their families over the holiday weekend. Senior Living Centers are always a great place to be with seniors since it can often be a lonely time for them.”

The holiday season is always a time in which there are many opportunities to help and serve others. Fox shared the importance of service during this time of the year, which can often be even harder for those in need.

She said, “I personally think that it a perfect way to give back in gratitude for what we ourselves have. I think it helps us put things in perspective and be grateful for the family and friends in our lives and a roof over our heads, no matter how big or small. The holiday times can often be depressing for those that cannot provide for their families, so by volunteering to help hopefully brings them the hope that others care for them.”