Tour guides will play key role at Open House

Senior offers her advice for being an effective host

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Serving as shadow host is just one of the ways to prepare for being a tour guide at Open House on Nov. 14.

Each year, the school opens its doors to 500 potential students and their parents. Taking place this year on Nov. 14, Open House is a long-standing tradition that attracts families from across the city as well as the entire metro area.

One of the factors in choosing a school, however, are the tour guides who accompany these families. 

Enrollment coordinator Mrs. Maribeth Cloud ‘86 said, “(Tour guides) need to act like you are welcoming someone into your home.” By bringing their best attitude, she suggested, tour guides leave a lasting impression on visitors. “You need to be smiling, engaging, (make) direct eye contact, and be genuine and be yourself,” Cloud said. 

Freshman Rachael Claire Henry describes her own experience from Open House last year. Having a student-led guide around the school made Henry more motivated to tour the campus. “She was super energetic, but in a good way,” Henry said. “I knew her beforehand, too, and I knew she was very passionate about Cathedral.”

For Henry, a tour guide who is familiar with the campus is important. “If you know the school and where you’re going, you feel a little bit more at home and a little bit more comfortable.” Henry said that the atmosphere that was created while she toured the school added to her decision to enroll here. 

Cloud reminds students to tour the entire campus. “Our friends over at Cunningham are going to put on a good presentation, (so) make sure to include that in your tour.” 

She also wants students to not only interact with the eighth grader, but their siblings, too. “Definitely highlight what the eighth grader is interested in, but also talk with their siblings and parents as well.” 

Senior Danielle Levingston has served as a tour guide for three years and provides tips on doing a good job. Levingston said, “A good tour guide knows where they’re going, knows how to be social and relate to the student, and is efficient. You don’t want people there all day.”

Cloud said being a tour guide “is one of the best ways to give back to your school. You will have a hand in the future enrollment of Cathedral.” Along with interacting directly with future students, tour guides get different incentives when they participate. Each student will receive three service hours and two students can earn $100 to their school lunch account. 

Levingston mentions that being a tour guide can be fun. “I think it can really benefit Cathedral and teach people better interpersonal skills and communication skills, and go Irish.”