Engineering teacher sponsors field trip

Students will attend Air and Space Expo at Grissom

For the first time in 15 years, Grissom Air Force Base plans to host the Air and Space Expo on Sept. 7 and 8, and students will have the opportunity to attend the show through a field trip led by engineering teacher Mr. Michael Keefer. In an email sent to the school, Keefer wrote, “Anyone is welcome to come, and if you are interested in going on the trip you should bring money to get into the museum, too.” 

A group of students will leave at 9:30 in the morning on Sept. 8 and come back no later than 6:30 that evening.

Keefer said that anyone who will attend should pack a lunch or bring money to buy food there as well as the $10 it will cost to get into the museum.

In order to have the opportunity to go, students must turn in a permission slip to Keefer in Room 4103 in Kelly Hall.

Space for the trip is filling up quickly, according to an email from Principal Mr. Dave Worland. He said, “The first 14 students who return permission slips to Mr. Keefer will get to go, but priority will be given to students currently taking one of Mr. Keefer’s courses.”