Senior Class president makes her move

Blanchet and her family are dyed-in-the-wool Irish

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Senior Marcelle Blanchet plays soccer during the In Our Village trip to Africa over the summer.

Sharing fun facts about yourself on the first day of a new school year is inevitable and often repetitive or even challenging, to think about what makes you stand out. But for Senior Class president Marcelle Blanchet, her fun fact always comes easy. She’s moved officially now 10 times, her most recent having been in early August.

And she wasn’t hopping states, or even cities. Indianapolis has always been home to the Blanchet family. Their newest move brings them no more than half a mile from the Hill.

While being literally close to the school, Blanchet strives to bring the Senior Class closer than ever in their final year together. She said, “My hope is that 2020 is enjoying our limited days and making them truly count.” She’s most looking forward to senior retreat.

Blanchet has been involved in a plethora of activities in her three-year, going-on-four, stint. She has recently been named captain of the women’s varsity soccer team after helping it to a State title last fall. Teammates and friends Kate Morris and Mary White are quick to call her a “loyal” and “genuine” friend.

She has also been a class officer for two terms now, and serving as class president during both her junior and senior years.

In the most recent summer, she traveled to Tanzania with the In Our Village class. Blanchet claims it was the best trip eve, resulting in lifelong memories and lifetime friends. She loved developing new friendships and expanding on her old. Her dad, social studies teacher Mr. Craig Blanchet, was also on the trip, and they often reminisce and laugh about their time together.

That togetherness is frequent for the Blanchet father-daughter duo. Mr. Blanchet has been a significant part of Marcelle’s Cathedral experience. She said she loves having her dad around, and Mr. Blanchet feels the same.

He said he’s loved walking alongside her high school experience and watching her grow over the years. Mr. Blanchet said, “She’s always been independent, but over the past year, she’s really learned how to be responsible, not just for herself, but others.”

In February, her mother organized and chaperoned the soccer mission trip to St. Mary of the Woods in Terre Haute.

Marcelle commented on her family’s closeness and how involved they are in each other’s lives. Her older brother, Sam ‘16, is a senior at University of Alabama and sister, Haley ‘18 is a sophomore in the nursing program at Purdue University. She also has a younger brother, Luke, who just started his eighth grade year at her alma mater, St. Thomas Aquinas.

And as for Marcelle, she may follow after her sister and nursing plans. She remains undecided and is also looking at schools including Miami University of Ohio and Clemson University.

For now, you will find Marcelle working to coordinate Irish events of the Class of 2020 and making the senior year the best year yet.