Face off: You should get a summer job

Face off: You should get a summer job

Having a summer job is beneficial in more ways than one. It can teach you responsibility, communication, time management, and how to budget your own money. Not only does it teach these important skills, but it is also a source of income. 

Summer jobs do not have to be just for the money, it can be for the new skills that will be taught.

It is important to be prepared for life after graduating high school. 

Learning responsibility takes time and can be difficult for some. Working over the summer is one of the best ways to fully understand how to be a responsible young adult. 

In order to succeed at your summer job you must be good at communicating, whether it is with your boss or a customer it is a necessary skill.

 Through my own personal experience I am able to see how much progress I have made communicating with others.

Managing your time has proven to be hard for some teenagers. 

Having to work while all your friends are hanging out is not how most people would chose to spend their day. Waking up early to an alarm in the morning during the summer is no easy task. 

A job over the summer teaches you how to manage your time, so your not late to work but still are able to enjoy time with your friends.

When you are making your own money you choose what you want to spend it on.

Whether it is concert tickets, food, or clothes you decide what is the most important to you. 

This skill helps prepare you for college and being able to afford all your necessities with some leftover money for things you may want.

A summer job may be hard to balance on top of sports, family vacations, or camps, but it will benefit you in multiple ways. 

It is important to learn responsibly and working over the summer is one of the best ways to learn this necessary skill. 

Summer jobs may not seem very fun, but they are extremely beneficial in preparing you for your future. They teach you responsibility, they get you out into the real world and provide a routine and schedule that keeps you focused and therefore prepared to start another successful school year.