Primary election voter shares her story

Peduto says she wanted her voice to be heard

Earlier this school year, senior Gia Peduto, wearing a red sweatshirt, stood with visiting students from Guatemala. On May 7, she cast her vote in the primary election.

Cathedran file photo

Earlier this school year, senior Gia Peduto, wearing a red sweatshirt, stood with visiting students from Guatemala. On May 7, she cast her vote in the primary election.

Voter turnout is notoriously low for non-presidential elections, but some still make an effort to participate in the American democracy system. Senior Gia Peduto is one of these people, and she cast her vote on May 7 in the primary election.

In an email, Peduto said the process was “very easy” and she simply had to verify her name and address and then she was directed to an electronic voting machine. She said that the last time she voted, it was all on paper.

Peduto said, “I want my voice to be heard and contribute to something and also practice my right to vote.” Peduto said she stays informed through various media outlets: listening to radio, watching the news and even by checking out social media.

She added, “I believe that it is important for everyone to vote who can. It is very important, no matter which party you are for.”