Junior lot to be repaved this summer

Maintenance work also will include new gym roof

Jameson Browne

These are among the numerous potholes that will be repaired this summer when then junior lot is repaved.

There’s good news for the those who, for the last several months, have dodged potholes the size of basketballs in the junior lot, but bad news for the Canada geese who use the potholes to swim laps.

This summer, several issues from around the school will be addressed, according to President of Operations Mr. Jim McLinn ’70, including those potholes.

Projects include repaving the Cunningham/Loretto Hall parking lot. Another major project will be the installation of a new roof on the Robert V. Welch Student Activity Center.

This will be a lot of work for McLinn and his team, but he says they’re used to it. “All summers are busy in the maintenance areas. This summer will be the same,” he said. The projects will be worked on throughout June and July and be finished before the new school year begins in August.