In Our Village book rollout is April 23

Sales will benefit tuition support, African school

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A photo by junior Caroline Steiger was chosen for cover of this year’s edition of the In Our Village book.

The launch of the fifth edition of the In Our Village book will take place in the school auditorium on April 23 from 1:30 to 2 p.m.

Since its creation in 2010 by English teacher Mrs. Liz Browning, the class has been offered to juniors and seniors in the fall semester of every other year. Throughout the semester students develop interviewing and writing skills to compile a book relating to life at Cathedral High School.

The proceeds raised by the book sales are used to benefit Cathedral’s tuition assistance fund as well the Awet Secondary School in Kimbi ya Simba, Tanzania. The In Our Village program shares a special relationship with the Tanzanian school, and over the last 10 years Cathedral students have provided with textbooks, electricity, and soccer supplies.

In June, 22 members of the class will travel with Browning to Tanzania on a service project to visit the Awet Secondary School, deliver supplies and provide any assistance they can. Junior Diane Houk, who will travel with her classmates this summer, shared her eagerness for this opportunity. “I’m excited about the trip because I’ve never been out of the country and it will be an amazing experience. I am happy that we will be able to see and enjoy Tanzania while also being able to give back at the same time,” she said.

Browning has now made this trip with her class multiple times, but said it never loses its joy. “Every time I visit, I am reminded that ‘if I have ever seen magic, it has been in Africa,’” she said.

The book launch on April 23 will showcase the fifth edition of the In Our Village book, comprised of essays written by every student in the class. The books will be available for $20, and the funds will be used to buy 75 new desks for the Awet Secondary School. Through a contest open to all students, a photo by junior Caroline Steiger was selected to be printed on the book’s cover.

Visitors have been asked to sign in at the front office before coming to the auditorium. Those who attend will be able to hear firsthand about the class’s experience from this past semester, as well about the upcoming service trip.

Anyone unable to attend can watch on YouTube, as the broadcasting class will record and post the event.