Thankful for: Life

I am thankful for the simple things, the birds and the trees. I am thankful for the complex things, all the dogs in the world and Beyoncé. I am thankful for Cathedral for being my second home. I am thankful for the jerks who have taught me how to love myself for who I am. I am thankful for my sadness for teaching me how to appreciate happiness.

I am thankful to my parents for keeping me alive for nearly 18 years and for giving me their everything. I am thankful to my dad for teaching me how to respect the game of golf and for teaching me how to respect myself. I am thankful to my mother for teaching me how care for everyone and for showing me that I want to be nurse, too.

I am thankful for the necessities, like water and clothes and my home. I am thankful to junior David Havens for being my best friend. I am thankful for cheese pizza and ramen noodles. I am thankful for being an American in the land of the free. I am thankful for the ability to say what I want to say and believe what I want to believe. I am thankful for the opportunity to attend college and get an impeccable education. I am thankful for the doctors, firefighters, soldiers and policemen who help us when we are in need. I am thankful for the butterflies and the bees.

I am thankful to be alive because what a special gift that is.