Principal announces valedictorians, salutatorians

Twenty-three members of the Class of ’19 honored

Principal Mr. Dave Worland has announced the valedictorians and salutatorians for the Class of 2019.

Valedictorians: Sydney Cripps, Sydney Hastings-Smith, Brendan Hurley, Samuel Kacius, Mary Kelley, Sarah Kent, Annabel Konesco, Grace Kowalevsky, Cassandra Kronenberger, Blake Lowe, Melissa Moore, Elizabeth Murphy, Anna Pohl , Jacob Schneider, Nathan Schoenfeld, Mary Kate Temple, McKenna Wylam, Chai (John) Yuanming.

Salutatorians: Giancarlo Barker, Matthew Bigelow, Victoria Gallant, Kristen Hohman, Hailey Loftin.