Librarian provides 5 by 5/5 update
Deadline approaches for reading five books
During G period on March 28, junior Lauryn Woods reads in the library.
For the fifth year, the school library has encouraged students and staff to read for pleasure with its “5 by 5/5” program. Participants read five books by May 5, as indicated by the name of the program, and are rewarded with lunch in the library.
Librarian/media specialist Mrs. Jennifer Herron said a Qdoba lunch is often popular, although she is open to suggestions.
Although the lunch is a motivating factor, Herron said not all students and staff who originally sign up complete their goal of five books. Currently, she said she has about 60 individuals signed up. Herron said 30 to 40 participants ultimately attend the luncheon.
Although the lunch provides a special meal, Herron said, “The biggest benefit is getting to know students through talking about books. It’s an instant reader’s advisory for me.” When participants update their list of completed books, she is able to add to her list of recommended reading material. At the lunch, Herron said she reviews the list of books read by participants, further encouraging a habit of reading outside of class.