Disappearing flex: Assemblies affect student time

Check each week’s schedule, vice principal recommends

Grace Kowalevsky

Seniors Oliva Carrico, Grace Brenton and Zoie Obst study during flex.

Flex, as many students have come to realize, is just as useful as you make it. A designated free period to do finish tasks such as homework provides stress relief for many. 

However, when flex is not available, it certainly doesn’t go unnoticed.

An administrator has pointed out that flex is exactly that — flexible time — and that students should plan accordingly when flex is used for another activity, as happened multiple times last month. 

The week of Feb. 11 due to the rescheduling of multiple events including the Winterfest assembly as well as the two-hour weather delays that eliminated flex, sophomores and freshmen were left with one day of flex from Monday through Friday. 

Flex: A placeholder for events

Vice Principal Mr. Jere Kubsuke said, “When we originally designed the schedule, flex was a flexible time for events that didn’t take away from academic time.” He also said, “It’s a place holder for events.”

The previous schedule did reportedly not allow for a level of flexibility that the current schedule does, and class time would be compromised on days for special events like Mass. 

Kubuske said he likes how flex can be seen as both a fun time and a time for advancement, and that one free flex out of five is what he called a “unique situation.”

In the future, students can look at a schedule Kubsuke and student activities director Mr. Anthony Ernst put together, which is available via the student portal and is emailed to every student on Monday mornings. Checking that schedule allows students the opportunity to plan their flex and resource time for the entire week. 

The traditional use of flex as a time for productivity means many students feel a lacking when it isn’t available. 

Sophomore Levi Wojtalik said, “I thought it was annoying because I had to reschedule my verb mastery.” 

Wojtalik said, “I like (flex) because it’s a good buffer time, especially since I don’t have a resource.”

Taking away flex “not fun”

Sophomore Madison Ackley said, “Flex is marketed to students as a time to do homework and make up tests without missing class time.” She also said, “Taking flex away is doable, (but) doing it four or five times is not fun.”

Freshman Justin Sage said about the recent adjustments to the daily schedule, “Even though we missed missed flex, it was a fun experience at both assemblies.”

Chemistry teacher Miss Elizabeth Subrin ‘12 said she felt the lack of flex bothered some students because they like that free time.

Freshman Nick Bozzello-Levine said, “It made me feel a little stressed. I felt like the day wasn’t as productive, although I also enjoyed the assemblies and the Mass. I like flex. I enjoy the freedom of having the responsibility of either doing homework or games. It takes a lot of stress off of after school.”

For students who do not have a resource, taking a look at each week’s flex schedule and planning accordingly might be an effective strategy for their use — or not — of flex.