Spanish team prepares for State competition
Event to take place March 2 at Southport High School
Students participated in last year’s State Spanish competition. The event this year is March 2 at Southport High School.
For those students interested in joining the Spanish team, sign-ups are available through Spanish teacher Mrs. Rose Egan.
Egan wrote in an email, “The purpose of the Spanish competition team is to compete in the annual state Spanish competition called Concurso Académico. Cathedral students compete against hundreds of other students across the state who are studying Spanish or who speak Spanish in the home. Competitions range from multiple choice tests over vocabulary, grammar and scrambled sentences to speaking competitions, both individual and paired conversations.
“Students can memorize and recite poetry, sing songs and perform Latin dances. There are also skit competitions, as well as a poster and piñata contest. There is even a trivia contest that is in English if you think your Spanish is not up to par.”
This is not a new event for the school. Egan said, “Cathedral has competed since 2010. This year’s competition will be held on March 2 at Southport High School.”
Egan wrote, “Students who are enrolled in any level of Spanish can join, as well as students who speak Spanish in the home.”
“Practices take place normally on days 2 and 6 in Room 3301. They are optional, so students who cannot attend practice can still be on the team,” she said.
Egan also shared how the Spanish team provides academic advantages. “Students should join because it’s fun. It also helps build confidence in students’ Spanish abilities. And all of the Spanish teachers offer an incentive for students who participate,” she wrote. “And our little cheer is 3…2…1…equipo de español!”

Senior Emma Kress is a reporter on the Megaphone staff. She runs cross-country and participates in crew for theater. Outside of school, she participates...