Teachers provide conference advice, suggestions

Among their recommendations: Send an email before Feb. 7

Grace Kowalevsky

English teacher Mrs. Melina Bundy records attendance during her G period class on Jan. 31. Bundy offered suggestions to parents who will attend parent/teacher conferences on Feb. 7.

Parent/teacher conferences provide a way for parents to match a face with the person their children talk about. Many parents, especially those who are parents of freshmen for the first time, will either ask a few questions or just drop by and say hello.

Math teacher Mrs. Rachel Luddington said that if parents have something in mind or want to ask about a situation that may take a bit longer than five minutes, sending the teacher an email beforehand is greatly appreciated.

English teacher Mrs. Melinda Bundy said that asking specific questions like “is he or she turning in homework, is he going to class, is she asking for help outside of class?” is much better than simply asking why a B+ isn’t an A-. Bundy said, “(Teachers) don’t give grades, students earn them.”

Specificity is better for both parents and the teachers because it allows teachers to more accurately answer a parent’s question. So if a parent has a longer question, send an email beforehand, and when at the conference, ask specific follow-up queries. 

The second semester parent/teacher conferences will take place on Feb. 7 from 5 to 7 p.m. Teachers will be located alphabetically by last name, with A through H in the cafeteria and I through Z in the Welch Activity Center in the gym.