Teachers, upperclassmen offer final exam advice
Semester tests begin Dec. 18
During Mr. Rick Shadiow’s math classroom in Kelly Hall, seniors Katie Kelly, Cami Cerefin, Sarah Hoffman and Kate Albean study for their next test.
As the end of the semester approaches, final exams loom large. Upperclassmen and teachers offered their advice to freshmen, many of whom will take comprehensive exams for the first time, about preparing for and taking semester tests.
Those tests begin Dec. 18, with exams during alpha and A followed by Dec. 19, exams during B and C; Dec. 20, exams D and E; and Dec. 21, exams F and G. The semester final can count toward 10, 15 or 20 percent of the semester grade, depending on the course. In most cases, core academic subject finals will count 20 percent.
Freshman Eli Lyons expressed confidence about all of his final exams, but he acknowledged that the days without his D period resource generally make school life busier for him. He also shared his plan for reviews, as he will begin the process a week before the final exams. And studying ahead of times is also a tip his teachers have given him, he said.
Sophomore Erika Weed said she thinks that her toughest final exams would be in her math, chemistry and AP European History classes. She was also a little concerned about the last day of finals, which she will have both math and chemistry back to back. She had a plan to study ahead, going through all of her math notes and all of the Quizlets she made for other subjects.
Senior and peer mentor Katie Kelly was shared some of her experiences successfully studying for finals.
How do you usually study for finals?
When I have to study for my math final I first start by going through and rereading my notes and then I will look at all my tests and quizzes and find the areas I struggled on and then go work on problems from those areas. But I also review all the other material as well. Quizlet helps me a lot when I am studying, too.
What are some advices you can give to underclassmen for studying for finals?
Start studying early; don’t put it off until the last minute. Remember to take breaks while you study. It doesn’t help to sit there for long periods of time continually studying. Take a deep breath; you will be fine. You already know the material, you just need to review it.
What are some other tips you wish to share with underclassmen?
Don’t stay on problems you don’t know for too long. Skip it and move on come back to it at the end after you have finished the rest of your test. This allows you to complete the rest of the test without have to rush because you spent to long on a question.
Math teacher Mr. Rick Shadiow also provided some advices on preparing for final exams. He said he believes that going through all of the mistakes students have made on previous tests is helpful for review, because those tests are more likely to be similar to the final exams. He suggests students use pencils when working on the questions, and to use pens when doing corrections, so that they know which ones to compare and which one to depend on.
Finally, Shadiow advises that students should guess on multiple choice questions even though they don’t know the answers, because it increases the chance to get more problems right.
And while nobody suggested this specific strategy, perhaps a request for the intercession of St. Joseph of Cupertino, the patron saint of students taking a test, couldn’t hurt.