Senior gives open house volunteer advice
Show them how much we love Cathedral, Letcher says
For the fourth time in four years, senior Angelica Letcher will volunteer as a tour guide at the school’s annual open house.
On Nov. 8 almost more than one-third of the student body will help at the open house, many as tour guides for prospective students and their families.
Most students will assist by giving tours of Cathedral to prospective students and their families.
Senior Angelica Letcher, who has helped all four years at open house, provided some advice for freshmen or for those who are in their first year of serving as a guide. She said, “Try not to make it about yourself. See what the student is interested in and spend time in those areas that they like.”
She went on to say that if you talk to the student only about sports or show them only the things you are involved in, then they won’t get a complete view of the school.
Finally, Letcher said talk to the student and and really try to get to know them and make them feel welcome so they will consider enrolling here. Being an open house tour guide is more than just showing guests the school; it is the opportunity to show a student how they can get involved and love Cathedral as much as we all do.