Faculty, staff share Halloween memories

Hemer’s favorite costume: Koala bear

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Counselor Mrs. Mary Hemer and Muffin dressed as koala bears while Mr. Hemer sported eucalyptus tree attire.

Costumes are a staple and a classic tradition for most people on Halloween. Here are some examples of teachers’ favorite costumes.

What was your favorite Halloween costume?
Library director Mrs. Jenny Herron: My favorite costume wasn’t mine, but it was my grandson’s. He was a werewolf.

School counselor Mrs. Mary Hemer ‘09: My favorite costume was when me and Muffin were koalas and my husband was a eucalyptus tree.

Registrar Ms. Erin Bethuram ‘97: My favorite was when I was a butterfly princess and I had a dress with butterflies all over it and wings.

Social studies teacher Mr. John O’Hara ‘02: My favorite costume of all time was when I was a Ghostbuster.

Herron: It was my favorite because he looked so cute with his little cheeks and his little costume.

Hemer: I liked (our costumes) because it was cute and warm and comfortable. It was also a good theme overall. Muffin didn’t like it so much, though.

Bethuram: I loved being a butterfly and being pretty. It was a good costume overall.

O’Hara: First of all it was warm and also it is one of my favorite movies of all time.