Admissions office seeks Open House volunteers

Tour guides play key role in annual event

Mr. Duane Emery, vice president for enrollment management, seeks student volunteers to serve as tour guides for the Nov. 8 Open House.

Adrian Edmonds

Mr. Duane Emery, vice president for enrollment management, seeks student volunteers to serve as tour guides for the Nov. 8 Open House.

The annual fall Open House will take place on Nov. 8, and the admission office needs students to step up and help in order to make the event a success.

Mr. Duane Emery, vice president for enrollment management, said that this year he and his staff are using a new method for signing up current students to serve as tour guides. Emery has emailed a link to a Google form to the entire student body, and individuals may use this form to volunteer to help on Nov. 8.

The form also allows students to specify in which areas they feel they are the most knowledgeable, and it will enable prospective families to be matched up accordingly. Emery said, “This is one of the biggest nights of the year for the school, (and) of all the things that students can do to serve their school and give back, being a tour guide is perhaps the most important.”

Emery noted that families in the past have indicated that they appreciate the help of the student tour guides and the knowledge they share.

Students are encouraged to sign up by Oct. 26, but are allowed to until the open house. Pizza will be provided for the tour guides. Emery noted that guides are required to wear the Cathedral school uniform, which means no spirit wear or college sweatshirts for seniors.