Seniors to attend Mass on Oct. 18
Class of 2019 will gather in the auditorium
During the first semester, each class participates in a Mass during the school day. Earlier this year, the freshmen took part in an all-school prayer service.
On Oct. 18, a Mass will be celebrated for all seniors during the flex period. The Mass is mandatory for all seniors and is meant to be a spiritually fulfilling activity for seniors during this time of college applications. The Mass will take place in the auditorium.
Mrs. Bozzelli-Levine, assistant campus minister, described the Mass as an
important opportunity for all the seniors. She wrote in an email, “Since we are a Catholic school,
Mass is part of our culture. The liturgy is an opportunity to hear the word of God and experience
Christ personally in the eucharist.”
Just as there is a senior Mass on Oct. 18, the sophomore and junior classes each had a dedicated Mass for themselves on Oct. 16 and Oct. 17 as well. The point of these Masses is to bring the grades together in the name of God.
Bozzelli-Levine said, “When we worship together in and all-school Mass there is unity in coming together as a whole school community. The same is true in the smaller groups. When each grade comes together they are united in prayer, fellowship and worship.”
Bozzelli-Levine acknowledged the senior stress that is running at an all-time high during this part of the school year, with the entire Senior Class being gone the day before the Mass for the field trip to the Indiana Repertory Theatre and more seniors missing two days of school for the Habitat for Humanity build. However she said she believes the Mass is truly an opportunity to leave that stress and be with God and our fellow classmates.
“Students are under a great deal of pressure. It makes sense to stop and recalibrate your focus on God,” said Bozzelli-Levine.
In addition to describing the meaning of the senior Mass, Bozzelli-Levine also understands that there are some students that view Mass as a chore or maybe even a waster of time. For these students, Bozzelli-Levine has a solution, as she can relate due to her mother’s long hours spent in adoration of the blessed sacrament when she was younger.
She said, “Sometimes Mass can feel like an obligation, we may not all feel the need to attend. (My mom) would remind my family what Jesus said to his apostles on the night before he was crucified: ‘Could you not stay with me for one hour?’”