Art teacher encourages photo contest submissions

Winners will have work printed on In Our Village book cover

As the fall weather starts to set in students begin to marvel at the true beauty of the changing seasons and the leaves begin to change colors and golden leaves shower the court yard. The campus becomes a picturesque landscape filled to the brim with beautiful scenery, and what better way to capture this beauty than by entering a photo contest.

Once again art teacher Mrs. Sara Green will coordinate the biennial “In Our Village” photo contest.

She wrote in an email, “The inspiration for the photography contest is to engage students in looking around at the beauty on this campus that surrounds them and to capture that moment.”

There is no shortage of prizes for this contest. The first-prize winner will get a $50 gift card to the restaurant of their choice, with $30 for second place and $25 gift card. Along with a gift card, the first- and second-place winner will be featured on the cover and back of the In Our Village Book. Sales of the book benefits the In Our Village Class at its service trip to Africa.

Greene said, “Inspiration comes from many things; my hope is that the beauty of the campus and the things that surround us are inspiring students to stop and look and take a photograph.”

The deadline for entering the contest is Nov. 5.