Junior overnight retreat scheduled for Oct. 21

NET Ministries will be involved for first time

Campus ministry organizes multiple overnight retreat dates throughout for sophomores, juniors and seniors. Over the years these off-campus programs have proven to be effective, as more than 90 percent of juniors have voluntary participated.

In Oct. 21, the first junior overnight retreat of the school year will commence as the buses leave campus at 3:30 p.m., heading off to an overnight stay at Camp Rancho Framasa in Brown County before returning the following afternoon at 2:30.

These juniors will have the opportunity to spend time with one another away from school in an atmosphere designed to foster relationship building, both with themselves and God. Juniors were given the opportunity to sign up for a time that worked for them, as each of the three dates are months apart.

Nestled in the hills of Brown County in South Central Indiana, Camp Rancho Framasa is owned by the Archdiocese of Indianapolis and operated by the Catholic Youth Organization. It was established in 1946, and since has provided a space where groups such as Cathedral students can get away from everyday life and connect with God and one another.

Mrs. Sara Bozzelli-Levine, a campus ministry staff member, is one of the organizers of the junior retreats and works to ensure that the logistics operate smoothly and that every student who wants to do so may participate in this experience. She wrote in an email, “Hopefully this retreat and all of our student retreats are opportunities to grow in our faith. We are all on our road to heaven, and I think our retreats are places to stop and get some perspective on our journey.”

Bozzelli-Levine noted that this will be the first time NET Ministries will be involved in a retreat. She said this group will be a part of every junior retreat this year. According to its website, NET Ministries is a Roman Catholic Christian organization dedicated to spreading the Gospel to youth.

As the opening overnight retreat approaches, students are reminded to turn in medical forms no later than Oct. 18.