Writing center set to open soon

Not just an editing service, teacher says

Zach Gregor

The writing center, which is located in Room 2311 in Loretto Hall, is set to open soon.

Featured in the upstairs of Loretto Hall is the writing center, which is located in Room 2311. Here students are able to receive help on their numerous writing assignments. The center pairs students who need assistance with peers who have successfully completed honors composition and have a good grasp on writing mechanics.

Junior Riley Pratt recalls a time of when she visited the writing center. She said, “The writing center has helped me improve my writing by being able to discuss and compare it with others. I think the writing center as a whole has helped me to better hone my writing abilities and more openly accept help from others.”

Pratt is not the only student who has been helped by willing students in the writing center. Many others could attest to their helpful nature. If you wish to attend the writing center, simply sign up for a date on the sign up sheet attached to the writing center’s door. It will be open during all flex periods, save for the times when the entire school participates in an assembly or Mass.

English department co-chair Mrs. Kathy Keyes, who serves as the center’s coordinator, said, “The writing center is not an editing service. We want students that visit to eventually gain more confidence in their writing.” Keyes said she is excited to see the writing center in action and is optimistic and hopes to see many new faces showing up there.

Keyes said that as soon as the room has been made ready to go by the maintenance staff, the writing center will open.