Preschoolers ‘enroll’ at Cathedral

Irish Blessings provides care to faculty’s young children

Madi Tran

A room in Cunningham, the site of Irish Blessings, is now the home of several little kids rather than big kids.

For the first time in the school’s 100-year history, there are “students” on campus who are far younger than the typical 14-year-old freshman.

Cunningham is now the home to a preschoolers, the sons and daughters of faculty and staff, and the director of the program said she hopes to get high school students involved, too.

Ms. Jamie Ruff wrote in an email, “I am the director of Cathedral’s new child care center, Irish Blessings, in Cunningham. All children in our program are faculty and staff’s children.”

One of the major goals of the child care center is to incorporate religion into the children’s lives. “My vision for Irish Blessings is to keep it centered around God. I want these children to understand and know they are a child of God and so loved. We are one week in and showing them unconditional love and how to have fun, is something we have proudly accomplished every day,” Ruff said.

Ruff wants to get high school students involved with Irish Blessings. “My goal with the students is to start an after-school club, (the) Irish Blessings Club. This club is aimed toward the high school students who have expressed interest about wanting to be involved in our room. I want to help build a club that will not only bring positive energy and confidence to you but a club that can set you apart when colleges review your application and transcripts.

“I would love to incorporate one student per period into our program during your resource or flex period. I would also like to have a student come to Irish Blessings after school if possible,” Ruff said.