Moderators say goodbye to Class of 2018
Seniors’ bond has grown, matured over four years
The seniors gathered in their usual spot in the WAC during Homecoming.
While it is bittersweet, the Class of 2018 is ready to graduate and start its new chapter in life.
Senior Class co-moderators Mr. Gary Spurgin and Mrs. Katie Lewis reflect on this class and the students’ high school journey these past four years.
Spurgin said, “This has been a class that has overcome a lot of diversity, a lot of trials and a lot of roadblocks. I think this class shows perseverance and courage, but I think one of the biggest things about the Class of 2018 is that it is a true testament to spirit.”
Further into each year, the bond of the Class of 2018 grew. Spurgin continued, “I think the class is special because I don’t think you have to go too far to find individuals that you could trust, individuals that you could lean on, but more importantly, individuals who respected each other.”
Senior Class co-moderator Mrs. Katie Lewis said, “This Senior Class has a bond that other classes may not have. And Jen (Maginot) is someone who everyone can and should emulate, and I think the whole class has been bound by that.”
She continued, “Jen’s passing has shaped this class in a very formative way. I see good leadership in this class. Their leadership abilities and how younger classes have viewed them as leaders has had a profound impact on the school.”
One thing is for certain: Both class moderators agree that the Class of 2018 does not lack personality.
Spurgin said, “I think the Class of 2018 will be remembered for several things including their originality, creativity and genuine caring. I think it’s a genuine class.”
Lewis said, “When I think about this class, it is a cast of characters. (For example, senior) Jackson Barrow, who I’ve never had in class but stops by all the time. (One quality of the class is they are) open. They don’t seem guarded about much at all. There is good leadership. Everyone kind of has their role, and I feel like they are a very passionate class.”
Every class is different, and Spurgin recognized that in this year’s Senior Class. He thinks this class faced more pressures than those of past years. He said, “You have different personalities, different individuals. I think I can be, as a parent, a teacher, a peer or an elder, someone who says it will be OK to fail because there are people there to pick you up.”
He continued, “I think you see that on senior retreat. Particularly for this class, senior retreat was an awakening in that this class in particular saw goodness in others. They finally saw ‘I am lovable.’ (Back to what I said about fear), I think people are fearful about going on senior retreat, but you have to trust. I did see differences when students would come back from senior retreat; I saw positivity.”
Both Lewis and Spurgin enjoy their position as class co-moderators because it provides a chance to familiarize themselves with more students outside of the courses they teach. Spurgin said, “You get to know more of the students before they graduate. It’s making connections. Every class that graduates from here leaves a bit of themselves, or their imprint, on the teachers who work here.”
As the Senior Class moves on to its new beginnings in life, Lewis and Spurgin expressed hope for them.
Spurgin said, “It is always a privilege to work with the seniors, to be a co-moderator and to be a part of graduation. I think the four years do go by so quickly. While you’re here, breathe; soak life in. Appreciate what you do have. As this class moves on and goes off to college, I think you all will be very appreciative of their past experiences. Without those past experiences you wouldn’t know what to hope for or look forward to.”
He continued, “I look at this class and I think you will be able to get our world back on track. I think you will fight for causes. I think you will become humanitarians. I think you will stand up for what is right.”
Lewis said, “I hope (the seniors) take what they have learned here at Cathedral High School and they blossom more. They are already such great, passionate, energetic students. To see where that energy and zeal takes them will be neat to watch.”