Athletics to roll out new website
User friendly and more up to date, Seagrave says
The athletics website will take on a look new and add features this summer.
The athletics department will roll out a new, more user-friendly calendar, app and website this summer.
“The technology department changed their software to rSchoolToday,” said Athletics Director Mr. Doug Seagrave. Since then, the athletics department has not been connected with the school calendar software, and this has created challenges keeping the website complete and up to date. Seagrave said, “We use a system called Pinwheel. After July 1, we will no longer use this.”
This is because the athletics department is switching to rSchoolToday. “Now, we can hook in and have just one software calendar, schedule and website connection for all our school needs,” said Seagrave. When there were two systems, it was necessary to input everything twice, which was very time consuming.
However, this isn’t the only reason to make this change, as the new software benefits athletes’ parents. The switch will allow parents to sign up for notifications about the sport their student plays, creates an athletic calendar, and access to all of the forms parents need to sign for their son or daughter.
Seagrave said, “There is also an app that goes with the software, which will allow coaches to enter results (of sporting events) immediately to rSchoolToday so the public can see it.”
However, this isn’t the last of the changes the athletics department hopes to initiate. They are also looking into a “a program which allows parents to use their credit card to pay for their child’s athletic expenses.”