Junior tells her March for Our Lives story
Thomas recalls key events from March 24 rally in D.C.
One of the 500,000 participants in the March for Our Lives makes her feelings clear.
Junior Abby Thomas attended the March for Our Lives rally in Washington, D.C. on March 24.
“Technically (the march was) from 12 to 4-ish, but people were marching before that,” Thomas said. She went with a group from the Episcopal Diocese of Indianapolis with 40 other young adults. “(The night before) we went to an interfaith prayer service at the National Cathedral,” Thomas said.
Thomas said for every block of the march, there were blockades with military personnel and streets were blocked off with military-type trucks. However, at the march itself, Thomas said all of the speakers were young, with the oldest being 21, and the youngest speaker, Dr. Martin Luther King’s granddaughter, 11.
Thomas said, “The focus was primarily on voting out bad representatives that do not represent our beliefs, and how black and brown people that are too often the victims to gun violence, are the voices that never get heard.” She said the overall purpose of the march was about striving to make a change and attempting to inform people about today’s issues.