Stations of the Cross to become new tradition
Guest priest to visit on March 28
Though Stations of the Cross will be celebrated in a larger area, students can pray alongside the images in the chapel.
In a school that prides itself on traditions, yet another tradition is about to become part of the school’s culture. During Holy Week, the Stations of the Cross will be offered.
For the first time, there will be an all-school Stations of the Cross on March 28. Director of Campus Ministry Mrs.Charlene Witka said, “The Stations of the Cross is a journey through the passion of our Lord, all the way from when the high priests were asking if (the Jews) wanted this man to go free, to the crucifixion, and all the way to the tomb. The Stations of the Cross depict the story of the passion.”
Instead of the living stations of the cross that many schools opt for, a priest, Fr. Jim Farrell will lead the school in the Stations of the Cross. Witka said, “I’m very, very excited. Fr. Farrell is a wonderful storyteller and I think he will keep the students interested.”
Witka sadi she hopes that students will grow closer to Jesus through the Stations of the Cross. She said, “During the season of Lent is where we reflect on the passion, crucifixion and resurrection. Hopefully, it will help them (students) get into the mindset of Holy Week.”
Witka said that her inspiration to have the Stations of the Cross came from the lack of a school-wide Holy Week celebration.
“This is the first time that we’re doing it. We normally don’t have anything during Holy Week because we encourage the students to go to their church and participate in their services. Fr. Farrell does the Stations of the Cross at his church. It’s an audience participation type thing. (Chief officer for student activities) Dr. (Tom) Greer and I talked and we decided that we needed to do something during Holy Week. I heard that Fr. Jim does the Stations of the Cross and I asked him if he would come and do it for us,” Witka said.
The Stations of the Cross will take place during flex on March 28. Witka said, “Some schools act out the Stations of the Cross and they usually do it on Good Friday. But since we don’t have school on Good Friday, we’re going to do it on Wednesday.”
Witka said that although this is the first time for a school-based Stations of the Cross, she hopes it is not the last. She said, “I’m hoping that the students are open to this and that this is something that we can repeat and build on in the future.

Senior Emma Kress is a reporter on the Megaphone staff. She runs cross-country and participates in crew for theater. Outside of school, she participates...