Women’s lacrosse team to pack meals for needy

Event scheduled for Feb. 17

Annie Bingle

Members of the lacrosse team celebrate last season’s State title.

Being a sports team here is almost nothing like being a part of a sports team from other schools. No matter what the team may do, excellence is pursued in every aspect of both its practices and competitions.

This includes giving back to the community, a common activity shared by Irish athletics.

The women’s lacrosse team is preparing one of these activities, and it invites others to rise to the call of volunteering.

On Feb. 17, the women’s lacrosse team will host the Million Meal Movement, an organization that feeds the homeless and those in need in Central Indiana. The team will prepare and pack 10,000 meals in the Welch Activity Center in order to help the community.

Senior lacrosse player Elle Musto is responsible for coordinating this event. She organized this event for the women’s lacrosse team and began a family fundraiser to pay for the 10,000 meals, which are roughly 30 cents a piece. “I had done a million meals project a couple years ago and loved it,” Musto said. “It will be an awesome bonding experience for the lacrosse team that incorporates philanthropy.”

Additionally, the Million Meal Movement wants to teach the importance of volunteerism, something that senior lacrosse player Kate Burnside looks forward to. “I’m very excited for this event,” Burnside said. “I think it’s a great way to help the community, but also help the team bond. I love hanging out with my team and I’m just thankful we can give back together.”

According to the Million Meals Movement, one in five children in Indianapolis have no idea where they will get their next meal. Started in 2007, this organization set out with the goal of packing one million meals to help reduce this hunger epidemic. As of late January, the movement has packaged and provided approximately 28.6 million meals, including in partnered events with the Indianapolis Colts and the Indiana Pacers.

According to the organization’s website, each packaged meal contains vitamins and minerals, vegetables, soy protein and rice. All together, this meal is designed to help fill nutritional gaps, nourish and strengthen the consumer and provide a filling, whole meal. These meals are sent to various food pantries and distributed to families and children in need of a stable meal.

Musto and Burnside both anticipate the volunteer aspect, eager to help the community around them. While they know that the Million Meal Movement relies on their efforts, they also cannot wait for the team bonding that will take place during the Feb. 17 event.

“The fundraiser provides meals to tons of families so it’s a great way to help others,” Musto said, “but I’m also looking forward to having everyone work together and the older players to grow closer to the younger players through the activity.”