Library hopes to promote reading for pleasure

Annual 5 by 5/5 program now underway

A poster in the library entrance provides details about the annual reading incentive program.

Catherine Jasper

A poster in the library entrance provides details about the annual reading incentive program.

A trip to the library will yield friendly service, fascinating reads, printing capabilities and much more, but two new posters now greet any student who enters. Hung up the week of Jan. 16, the posters advertise an annual program coordinated by library director Mrs. Jennifer Herron and librarian Miss Alana Cataldo: 5 by 5/5.

Started by Herron in 2013, the program was meant to, “promote reading for pleasure among students and staff. I thought that a social reading club would be an attractive option (to attain this goal),” she said.

“Students and staff are welcome to come to the library and sign a contract. We keep the contract (in the library, and) every time (a student) finishes a book that is at (their) reading level and that (they) haven’t read before, (they) visit (Herron or Cataldo) and talk about it briefly. We then keep track until (the student) reaches five, (but) many students and staff read more than five. Then, all those that have read five books by May 5 join in a luncheon and get $5,” Herron said.

For Herron, discussing the different books students have read is her favorite part of the program.

Herron said she is “totally not bribing (students) to read,” but added, “personal reading time and reading of (one’s) own volition is own of the most important activities one can undertake to improve one’s existence.”

Allowing students to easily count the books they are required to read for class, “creates a more attainable goal that gets more reading in their lives,” she said.

Anyone interested in signing up for the program may do so with Herron or Cataldo in the library.