Enrollment office welcomes parent shadows

‘Amazing feedback’ from participants, Emery says

An image from the school website provides information about parent preview days.

Family has always been an integral part of the school’s Holy Cross values, and the Mr. Duane Emery, vice president for enrollment management, once again has put those values into place by inviting parents to spend part of the school day on campus.

“It started three years ago more out of parent requests, and it’s gradually grown. Two years ago we had three dates, last year five, and this year six,” said Emery about the parent shadowing program. The main goal of the day is for prospective parents to experience a morning in the school, along with a presentation about specific aspects of some of the major areas of study.

Emery then explained what a regular schedule for the parent would involve. “They start by coming in around 8:10. At around 8:15, we start a presentation, and then at the end of alpha period, student ambassadors come to pick up the parents and take them to their next class.”

One of the objectives of these preview days, according to Emery, is that parents see some of the main points of interests for students and go into greater detail with them. “We’ve got one coming up about AP and IB programs. We’ve got one coming about the LSP and the fine arts program.” Emery said it’s all about showcasing the highlights of the school and exemplifying the Holy Cross Values.

“We’ve gotten amazing feedback back from the surveys parents take after their visit, and they love spending time in class with a student and meeting the teachers,” Emery said. He also said that prospective parents love to hear from current students and parents and to see a day in action.

Emery provided students the advice to treat prospective parents as you would a house guest. He said, “Just let them see what a typical classroom period is like, and treat them as well as you can.”