Nov. 1 Mass to affect school schedule

Campus minister hopes celebration is informative

Because Nov. 1 is a day of obligation for Catholics for All Saints’ Day and Mass will be celebrated in the Welch Activity Center that day, the school schedule for Nov. 1 and Nov. 2 will be switched. Nov. 1 will be a Day 2, with an 8:20 a.m. start, with Mass during flex. Nov. 2 will be a Day 1.

All Saints’ Day is a celebration of all of the saints of the Catholic Church. Campus Minister Mrs. Charlene Witka said, “We always do an All Saints’ Mass because it is a Holy Day.”

Students may notice that the All Saints’ Day Mass will slightly differ the usual Mass. Fr. Jeff Godecker is celebrating the Mass, and he will explain the second half of the Mass. Witka said, “The Mass itself is unique, and we will be singing some songs that go along with the celebration of All Saints’ Day.”

Witka said she hopes that the All Saints’ Day Mass will help congregants better understand and appreciate the Catholic faith. She said, “Hopefully through the homily and through how Mass is received, that will make a difference.”