Writing center offers assistance to students
Facility in Loretto open during most flex periods
The writing center is staffed by senior English students and is located on the second floor of Loretto.
The writing center has been up and running since early in the school year and continues to provide a resource for students to receive help on their writing assignments.
According English department co-chair Mrs. Kathy Keyes, the writing center is a place where students can go to receive writing assistance and advice. The center is staffed by seniors who are currently enrolled in a college level English course and have completed honors composition. “(Students) can get help from a peer,” Keyes said.
Keyes said any student who visits the writing center sits with a senior who serves as the tutor and reviews the work, whether it be an essay for a class, a college application letter or a similar writing assignment. “It’s another voice to help students with their writing,” the English teacher said.
To make an appointment for a writing center session, Keyes said students should go to the writing center and sign up.
The writing center is located in Loretto in Room 2311 and is open during flex on days 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 and 7, unless the school utilizes flex for another purpose other than unstructured student time, which is often the case.