Senior tops lists of raffle ticket sellers

With 65 sold, Overstreet leads the pack

Seeing the opportunity to benefit not only her fellow students as well as those affected by a natural disaster, senior Rachel Overstreet sold 65 Luck of the Leprechaun raffle tickets, exceeding the suggested minimum by 25.

“I sold my tickets to basically everyone and anyone,” Overstreet said, including “(former) teachers, family and employers. Basically, if I had met you, I asked you.”

Students had the option to choose between any extracurricular activity, and could share the wealth among a multitude of programs. “I distributed my tickets to Best Buddies, Latin Club and the Harvey Relief Fund,” she said.

In wake of the devastation spread by Hurricane Harvey in Houston, the Harvey Relief Fund was created to aid victims and lessen the struggle of repairing the damages. The fund received the most donations, accumulating $6,093.

Overstreet took it upon herself to get in on the action. “I did give some tickets to the Harvey Relief Fund. I have family who were directly affected by the hurricane, and I wanted to help in anyway I could,” she said. Overstreet’s campaign ran through the entire selling period. “I had sold the first 25 (tickets) within the first week, but then it took me the whole selling time for the other 40,” she said.

The student body works to support the financial aid and tuition support system. “The raffle really gives power to the student to support who or what they believe in. I think in a way it helps the student form their own voice, and a chance to come together with other students to support a common goal,” she said. Diversity, a Holy Cross value, is prevalent amongst the school’s population. Diversity is not limited to race, but also the wide variety of incomes each family brings to the school. The raffle opens up endless possibilities for current and future students who need the economic support.

Overstreet said, “It really is an important part of this school because it gives everyone the opportunity to come to Cathedral, and receive a unique learning opportunity.”