During flex, library fills up fast

Should be a place for productive work, Mrs. Herron says

Madi Tran

During Period C on Sept. 27, students gathered around a table to work on assignments. The library is an even more popular place for students to gather during flex.

During flex period, the library is a popular place to go and it often fills up quickly. Mrs. Jenny Herron, librarian and media center specialist, said, “I always have to tell kids who don’t have seats to go elsewhere.”

Due to the amount of people in the library, it often gets noisy and may be disruptive to others. “Students should be respectful to their peers who are trying to do work on their homework,” Herron said.

Alternative places students could go include the courtyard, at least until cooler weather arrives,  and the Sheil Student Life Center. Herron said, “The SLC is a better place for kids to go to talk is the SLC.”

Herron said she believes the library should be an effective workplace for students. She said, “Let’s make the Iibrary a productive workplace for kids who are trying to work.”