In Our Village book provides electricity for school

Books cost $20 to pay for travel

Traveling to Tanzania May 30 to June 10, the In Our Village class created another book for its trip this summer.

Book inspiration

English teacher Mrs. Liz Browning said, “In Our Village is a service learning class that was modeled off of a book called In Our Village that was made by the Awet Secondary School in Kimbi Ya Simba, Tanzania.”

She continued, “I found the book, and I liked the way they had all these little essays that were profiling their school in their little village. I thought, ‘Couldn’t we write a series of essays that profile our community?’ I got approval and decided I didn’t want to do it every year; I wanted to do it every other year, and I planned it so that the sixth volume of it would be on the year (Cathedral) was 100.”

The class has written four books now. Browning said, “We’ve profiled all sorts of different things and people here on campus, and it’s amazing how much things have changed, and yet how much things have stayed the same over the last eight years.”

The book costs $20. Browning said, “The proceeds from the sale of the book we will take with us to Tanzania in a few weeks, and we’ll take it to the school to pay for electricity.”

Browning continued, “It’s neat that this school in Indiana can help bring light to a school in Tanzania. We are the only American students who have ever visited the school.”

While there, the class will also work at an orphanage. Browning said, “The children there are so much fun. They are so happy and love to play with us. We just go to serve and do whatever they want us to do.”

Opportunity to travel

Senior Elise Wang is a member of the In Our Village class and will go on this trip to Tanzania after she graduates. She said, “I think it’s really cool that my last little Cathedral thing doesn’t end after graduation. I’m still going on this trip, and I’m still going with my class. It’s a great way to end my senior year.”

Given the opportunity to travel to Africa, there are many activities and events to look forward to.

Wang said, “I’m so excited to see the landscape and to meet the people. There is this idea of Africa, the children and Africans in general, being very poor and they aren’t industrialized yet, but I think they live off of so little but have given much happiness out of that little which I’m so excited to experience.”

Wang continued, “I really wanted to go, because the farthest I’ve been out of the country is Canada, and it was a goal of mine to do some sort of service abroad before I went to college. This was the perfect opportunity because I would be with my class, and I felt like I was prepared for it.”

Browning said, “If students want to go (to Tanzania), they should join the Service Learning Council and try to take the (In Our Village) class. It will be offered in the fall of 2018.”

Although she isn’t going on the trip this year, Browning said, “I love to travel. I’ve always loved getting to travel. I love getting to go to a continent like Africa. We all have preconceived ideas of what Africa is like, but it never ceases to amaze me how different we all are and yet how very much the same we all are. I love teaching; I love the kids at Cathedral, but I really like having the opportunity to spend time with them outside the classroom.”

Important experience

With this new scenery, they will also have the opportunity to experience the different lifestyle of the village and see a better view of the world.

Wang said, “I think it’s really important before going to college to get a wider perspective of the world because living in Fishers, Indiana going to a Catholic school, we usually get a kind of narrow minded view of everything, and so by going to a place where they aren’t necessarily Christian or not necessarily educated, it’ll be a great way to see what is going on in the world.”