We’re back: Students refocus on academics
Late start marks return from spring break
On the first day back from spring break, scenes such as this one experienced by the mission trip participants in South Carolina were but a fleeting memory.
After nine days of spring break, students might find it difficult to adjust back to school and the work loads that teachers are dishing out, with school resuming April 10 with a late start and F period beginning at 8:40.
Junior Piper Klika said, “While I had a great time on spring break. I got very used to not focusing and just relaxing. So I imagine that for many students, including myself, it will be very hard to refocus and get back into the habit of doing school work.”
Senior Jake Alexander said, “For me, it will be especially hard to get back to focusing on my schoolwork due to the fact that I had done nothing for the entirity of spring break and also because I am a senior and will be graduating soon. I became very used to relaxing and sitting down to do nothing. For that reason, I and some of my friends will most certainly have a hard time adjusting back to the school schedule.”
For spring break, many students were relaxing in warm vacation hotspots and having a great time on the beach sitting in the sun. Klika said,”I think I speak for the majority of the school when I say I wouldn’t mind going back to Florida and relaxing some more.”