As the first few days of school commence, many anticipated events seem to be making a steady appearance at Cathedral, like Ignite the Irish and Activity Fair, but some might forget one of the most important ones; Picture Day.
For Cathedral students, many teachers are urging them to become informed about what picture day entails and the schedule for that day. Students are intended to go down to the WAC lobby to have their picture taken during their Religion class. Picture Day is scheduled to take place on Wednesday, August 21, a Day 1, and August 22, a Day 2.
Students who have their religion classes during the A, B, C, and D periods are recommended to ask their teacher which day they are planning to take the pictures since they will have that class on both days.
Any students who aren’t enrolled in a Religion class should go down during their Peer Minister Practicum or their Resource. Mr. Marc Quaranta, yearbook teacher said, “We have a lot of students and staff, over 1,200 that have to get their pictures taken. The Religion Teachers do an amazing job organizing the schedule and we appreciate them taking time out of their teaching to take students to get pictures taken.”
Photographers plan to start taking pictures at 8 am and go until 3 pm. Cathedral staff members can get their picture taken at any time during those 2 days but are encouraged to do so during Office hours as it won’t be as hectic.
Any students or staff members absent during the 21st and 22nd should be prepared for the picture retake day on the 28th of October. They are warned to not miss all 3 days as their picture will result in not being shown in the 2024-2025 school yearbook and will not receive an updated lanyard photo.
Quaranta says, “Students need to make sure they can be here on one of those days. If you aren’t going to be here one day or the other, just communicate with teachers and get down there to get your picture taken.”