National Decision Day

May 1st is the day that seniors nationwide must commit to where they’ll spend their next four years

Students put their names on the US map if they were attending an out-of-state college and put their name on the Indiana map if they were staying in-state.

With the number of remaining school days dwindling and senioritis in full effect, today is the day that seniors must commit to their college. The annual College Decision Day is full of many emotions for seniors including excitement or even stress, but definitely relief for some. Seniors on The Hill were able to mark their school of choice on a map in the Innovation Center today during lunches. College and Career Counselor Ms. Kathy Pivonka said, “May 1 is the National Candidate reply date, so that’s the typical deadline that pretty much every school abides by.”

Aside from marking their college on the maps, Seniors were also able to celebrate the day by decorating their khakis with college logos and wearing their college’s merchandise. With some changes in the college admissions process in recent years and the 2023 Decision Instagram account, decision day is not as big of a deal as it once was. However, Pivonka said, “We still want to celebrate.” 

Decision day is a milestone for seniors which puts their graduation in just a few short weeks into perspective. Senior Mass last Thursday, which was one of the class’ “first lasts,” also served as a reminder of their ever-nearing departure for educators, counselors and seniors alike. “I think it hits the counselors and myself a little harder,” Pivonka continued, “this is kind of the end of the road for this group, and so the emotions start to get into it, as well.”

Nonetheless, Pivonka hopes May 1 can be a day to celebrate the achievements and futures of the Class of 2023, and she said, “I think this class has been the epitome of Cathedral. The whole class is what Cathedral expects out of its students. I think it’s been a really good four years.”