How many teeth does a platypus have?

The Brain Games team faced many tricky questions as they finished out their season at the state tournament

Pictured from left to right, junior George Madden ‘24; freshmen Nick Elias and Conrad Day ‘26; and sophomores Tanner Zink, Brian Belford and Reece Bonhomme ‘25 attend the 2023 Brain Games state competition.

The school’s Brain Games team, coached by English teacher Mr. Josh Dygert finished off their season at the state tournament this past Saturday, March 11. They were invited to participate after placing in the top half of their region, third, to be exact, along with University High School; Brebeuf High School; Southport High School; Eastbrook High School; and Huntington North High School, who unfortunately had to drop out.

Even though the competition was tough, Mr. Dygert said, “I’m proud of the team. I think they did a great job and we had a lot of fun. It was nice to see how passionate (the other schools) were and I think we all just had a good time.”

Brain Games, also known as quiz bowl, is a trivia competition that, according to Mr. Dygert, includes all sorts of categories from “literature to opera to art to sports, celebrities, politics, history, and science.” The team participates in meets throughout the fall and winter, which usually take place after school on Thursdays, against other regional schools. Their season begins with Wednesday-morning practices in September and kicks off with the first meet around late September to early October.

Regular season meets take place between Cathedral and another school: for example, Cathedral vs. Brebeuf or Cathedral vs. Zionsville. In contrast, the state competition, located this year at University High School, is tournament-style, in which teams from all different regions of Indiana compete together at one meet. This year, the quiz bowl team participated in 7 regular meets before being invited to state.

For anyone interested in joining Brain Games next year, advertisements will be posted at the beginning of the school year. Mr. Dygert said, “You just have to come to practice. We are very accommodating to everyone’s schedules, so just come when you can. The whole point is to have fun and learn new things.”

And for those wondering, platypuses don’t have any teeth.